Every 23-year old needs to hear this

I was just on Facebook and came across this article. I just turned 23 yesterday and I felt better about being 23 and not knowing what exactly I’m trying to do with my life. I’ve copied it right here for your reading pleasure.


I woke up on the morning of my twenty-third birthday to a dead-end job, a failing relationship, an empty wallet and a complete lack of direction. And I’m sure I’m not alone in that fate.

The years following college aren’t kind to us. We are thrust into the real world with a large amount of student debt, jobs that barely pay enough to make rent, relationships that are rapidly changing and a profound feeling of being lost on how to handle it all. Nobody likes you when you’re twenty-three, including your own life.

And yet, we pull through.

Most of us make it to our twenty-fourth year. Most of us make it out of the woods. Most of us are lucky enough to say that by the end of our twenty-third year we’re no longer feeling completely and utterly lost. But in case you’re not there yet, here are a few things you may need to be reminded of right now.

1. You’re not going to be lonely for the rest of your life.

Twenty-three is a lonely and uncomfortable age. College is (probably) over. Your professional life is (hopefully) just beginning. And your social life is doing an awkward, uncomfortable shuffle in response to all the changes. You’re far away from the people who know you well and not yet emotionally close with the people who physically surround you.

Give it time. Give your relationships the chance to evolve. Give yourself the chance to adjust to no longer living with a group of your closest friends (yes, you will adjust). Loneliness doesn’t last forever, even when it feels like it will.

2. You don’t need to be working your dream job right now.

It’s okay to take a shitty office job because you need to pay the bills. It’s okay to spend your spare time volunteering to get the experience you need. There are a thousand different routes you can take to get to where you want to go. Don’t beat yourself up in the process – just keep moving, steadily and slowly, toward wherever you would rather be.

3. Everyone feels lost at some point.

No, seriously. Every single person you meet, interact with or think about in the course of a day has almost definitely had a period of their lives where they had NO clue what they were doing. So this is yours. You’re just getting it out of the way early.

4. You still have so much time to fail.

You have time to fail at love. At your career. At your creative aspirations. At your personal goals.

You are still young enough to fall and pick yourself back up, so many more times. So don’t be afraid to take those big, scary risks now – while you still have the time and the strength and the determination to start over.

5. Someone is going to love you again.

You’re going to feel that insane over-the-moon feeling again. You’re going to want to tell someone ‘I love you’ again. You’re going to have something real with another human being again, even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. The ability to love other people doesn’t leave you, even if it’s a muscle you haven’t flexed in a long while.

6. You are going to love you again.

Your self-perception is going to adjust to encompass the new, adult you: the one that you are still growing into. Don’t beat yourself up about who you are or are not yet at twenty-three – you have so much time left to grow into the person you’ll become, and to be damn proud of whoever that will be.

7. You are allowed to set and keep boundaries.

Being a young adult means saying ‘Yes’ to a lot of things – long work hours, demands from our partners – because you aren’t yet sure what you’re allowed to say no to. But here’s the deal – you are allowed to set whatever personal or professional boundaries you need to set in order to stay healthy and stable.

You don’t have to earn the right to take care of yourself. You deserve it, as a basic product of your existence.

8. You are never entirely without support.

You may not be lucky enough to have parents who are able to give you financial support or even friends who are immediately available to give you emotional support, but rest assured, if things ever went really wrong, you’d have people there to help you out in ways you may not expect. If at least a few names come to mind, you’re doing better than a lot of people.

9. Being disappointed in yourself just means that you know you can do better.

If you were never falling short of your own goals, you’d be living your life all wrong. Disappointment – in moderation – means that you believe in bigger things for yourself. And holding that belief in life will take you further than you could possibly imagine.

10. It’s not your job to live someone else’s dream.

You don’t have to move to Asia to teach English if it’s not going to make you happy. You don’t have to move to a big city and get a mind-numbing office job because it’s going to impress your parents. The choices you make now set the tone for the choices you’re going to make the rest of your life. So you’re allowed to make the choices you want to make – and only worry about impressing your future self.

11. ‘No’ is a very important word.

You’re allowed to use it. Say no to jobs that don’t entice you. Say no to people who bring out the worst in you. Say no to all the opportunities that prevent you from pursuing the bigger, braver, bolder life course that you’d rather be on. Say no confidently, strategically and as regularly as you need to. It is your right and in some cases, your greatest asset.

12. Nobody can read your mind – you’re going to have to ask for what you want.

Nobody is going to come hand you your dream job or your perfect relationship or your ideal lifestyle because you’ve been obeying the rules so diligently. You have to ask – directly and sometimes incessantly – for those things. It’s unfortunate that the adult world works this way, but it does. The sooner you get comfortable asking for things, the sooner you start getting big results. Results other people don’t get because they’re too afraid to ask for them.

13. You don’t have to be embarrassed.

Not by the job you’re working or the person you’re dating or where you are in life, in relation to the people you graduated college with. Embarrassment is a choice. And the prouder you choose to be of yourself – no matter where you are in life – the further you’re going to go. Confidence is a major predictor of success.

14. Your body is not seventeen anymore.

You can’t exist on a steady diet of beer, burritos and power-naps forever. Your body is starting to change and you have to change to accommodate it if you don’t want to feel just a little bit worn-out for the rest of eternity. Treating your body properly is going to have more of a positive impact on your life in the coming years than you could possibly imagine right now.

15. You’re probably hotter than you think you are.

Something I hear over and over again from middle-aged people is that they can’t believe they ever thought they were unattractive in their early twenties.

We are our own harshest critics at this point in our lives and it’s more likely than not that your most unattractive quality is the lack of confidence you have in your own appearance. Start believing in yourself a little more right now, so you have to kick yourself a little less aggressively later.

16. You aren’t done changing yet, and you probably won’t be for a while.

There are those rare, beautiful moments in our early twenties where it feels like we’ve got it all figured out and we’re entirely out of the woods. But those moments never last for too long. Life is constantly changing – but that’s far from being a bad thing. Your brain is still developing. You are still developing. And the worst thing you can be right now is stagnant.

17. You have to give yourself a break.

At 23, it’s easy to get so caught up in the working and progressing and forming relationships and finding ourselves that we forget to ever take a moment to just breath. To relax. And to take a brief break from frantically dashing toward the future. You still deserve to live and enjoy your life. Your future will come soon enough.

18. Losing friends is a natural consequence of this stage of your life.

Losing touch with your old college roommates or your hometown friends or the loved ones who settled down earlier or later than you did is a natural consequence of growing older. It isn’t solely up to you to keep every friendship you’ve ever had alive – some things fade out naturally, because they should. Because some of the friendships you shared were meant to last a season, not a lifetime, and that’s okay.

19. There will be people you have to leave behind as you grow, and that doesn’t make you a bad person.

Everyone grows up and grows into themselves at different paces. And the older you get, the more you will notice that some people almost deliberately choose to stay stuck or hold themselves back. And it is not your job to rescue these people from themselves. You can love them, you can support them and you can encourage them but at the end of the day you just can’t hold yourself back on their behalf. They have responsibility over their lives and you have responsibility over yours. You are not selfish or horrible to keep moving forward without them.

20. Comparisons are completely senseless, unless you use them as a motivator.

Comparisons are a great thing if you’re using them to motivate yourself to rise up to someone else’s level of greatness. If, however, you’re only using them to beat yourself down, they are the single greatest waste of your time and energy. You are not your friend or your college classmate or your co-worker who just got a raise. You are you. And if you want to rise above the rest, you have to use the skills that are unique to you, rather than pining after what comes naturally to everyone else.

21. Everyone fucks up.

No, seriously. Everyone has made at least one big, huge mistake that they wish they could take back. It’s just that we tend to not talk about our fuck-ups, which creates a culture where everyone believes that they’re the only ones who ever encounters them. Trust me: you’re not alone. We’ve all done some royally screwed-up stuff. And we’ve all survived it. Which means that you’re probably going to as well.

22. Everyone’s terrified.

Nobody really knows what’s coming next. Nobody actually has a foolproof plan. Nobody is 100% sure of how to get where they want in life and nobody has it all figured out.

Even the most confident people are a little bit unsure and a little bit terrified sometimes. Life’s just like that. Uncertainty is a key ingredient to the whole shebang.

23. If you had it all figured out right now, the rest of your life would be boring.

If you had the rest of your life locked and loaded at twenty-three years old, the rest of your life would be a let-down. The ups and downs are just a natural part of what keeps things interesting. And the truth is, now is the best time imaginable to ride out those fluctuations. A period of struggle prepares you for a future of resilience. So struggle away at twenty-three. The future has plenty of time to fall into place.

By Heidi Priebe
Artwork by Helke Rah

Hey mama welcome to the…..80’s?

Those who know me know how much I adore different era fashion trends. If I could I’d have closets full of styles from the 20’s to the 90’s cause well, I think fashion back then was fucking bomb.

Anyway, last Saturday I got the opportunity to play a high schooler in the 80’s for an indie horror comedy movie! I was just an extra in the classroom scene but I got to be in 80’s clothes which was pretty freaking amazing. We filmed at a high school in Andersonville.

Being just an extra, I had to pull my own clothes and bring them over to wardrobe and given my lack of diversity in fashion, I just began pulling basically everything with Heathers and The Breakfast Club as my guide.

Got to wardrobe and I could just feel the 80’s vibe in the air. There were racks of colorful clothes, fringed jackets and neon pump shoes. The dresser picked shorts, a crop top, a super cool frilly denim jacket that I really wish I could have taken home with me and a pair of burlap wedges. I felt like such a bad ass. Hair and make up was the fun part! I got my bangs curled ala Veronica Sawyer and a high side pony with a super bright pink scrunchy. Man, I loved my look and if I could, I’d wear it everyday.

Later, we were taken to set and everyone just looked amazing in costume. This is why I love acting and performing. You can live in any time zone, be anyone in any year and dress up as weirdly as possible and no one can say a fucking thing about it. It is simple amazing. I got to be in the 80’s and it was great!

I’m pretty certain that I’m not allowed to post pictures till the movie comes out so there’s that. Besides that, I got to meet some pretty amazing people who are now my friends. I can’t wait to do more extra work and play different characters in different era’s. Also, I’m going thrift store shopping yall! This experience has made me wanna expand my wardrobe and thrift store shopping is all I can afford right now. Broke ass actor/stage manager here.

Well, that’s all I got for now. I just had a super great experience and that needed to be documented. Have a great day everyone!


Bree 🙂

21 and legal!

So I turned 21 last week! WHOHOOOO! Now before I go on, let me say this. It wasn’t as crazy as some people may think. I kinda just hung out mostly. It was a slight bummer for the fact that I really wished that I was home but my friends here really did make it memorable for me.

Lets see, firstly on the night before, my roommate forced me into watching horror movies with her till midnight. And possibly being the most oblivious person on the face of the earth, I didn’t realise that it was midnight and so just in the middle of a intense scene in the movie, my friends burst into my apartment, scaring the shit out of me. I literally jumped out of my skin for a minute there. They got me a red velvet ice cream cake that was to DIE FOR! I honestly wasn’t expecting anything but that was definitely a pleasant (and scary) surprise.

Then, on the day of, I had many wonderful wishes from my friends and family all around the world. I met up with my roommate and a few other friends at some fancy Italian restaurant, eating fancy pasta and drinking fancy cocktails. So that was fun!! OH OH! The best part are the gifts that I got. My sister had send me a beautiful charm bracelet with my name on it, the number “21” and key charms. Most beautiful thing ever! My roommates on the other hand got me a microphone for me to record covers of songs. I’ve always been wanting one and the got me one! You have could’t believe how excited I was when I opened the box and saw the mic! I’m still speechless and I just can’t wait to start recording! You may or may not see some videos up here in the near future. Haha!

So that was basically it for my 21st. Nothing much but at least it was well spent. Below are a few instagram shots from the day 🙂

On another note, I passed my driving test. HECK YEA! Finally I can drive places. Also, I just watched the movie Begin Again and I am head over heels for the soundtrack. It’s so darn good, I can’t even. If you’ve not seen it, I recommend you do for the sake of the soundtrack and of course Kiera, Mark and Adam. Gorgeous cast! 🙂

Other than that, I’ve been running back and fourth from classes, work, rehearsals and meetings. My life is a hot mess but I think I like it. I think. Things have been pretty crazy around here and it’s only going to get crazier right up till Thanksgiving break. So there’s that. Till next time! 🙂

My presents!
My presents!
Instagrams :)
Instagrams 🙂

Closer; Day 80

80 days of Summer and to think that in 3 days I’ll be gone. Why does this feel so much like I’m never going to be back? I’ve given myself the whole pep talk. To not break down. That it’s for the best and yet I feel like crap. Will the feeling ever end? 


Spent the day out with my mum, grandma and grand aunt. We went out for lunch and basically just hung out at my grand aunts place for a hour after that. After that, I went over to see a friend. It was a really brief meet up but seeing her made me really sad. Knowing that I’m going away so soon. This sucks. It really does, but that’s the reality of it all. Anyway, I’ve been home ever since. Moping around to be exact. My emotions are in a colossal mess I can’t tell one end from the other. Hoping for a clearer tomorrow. 

Friends; Day 68

Met up with more friends today! This time it was with another bunch of girls that I got really close to in high school. We’ve been trying to set up a date for us to meet and when ever we do something always comes in the way and messes the plan up. But this time, it worked at we managed to meet up for lunch. You see, I met these girls when I was 13. When we were all bright eyed, naive little girls entering the world of teen-hood. And we’ve come a long way from that. We’ve stuck it out through the craziest of scenarios and have remained friends till this very day. We were all in the same classes in high school, so we’re real close. When we met, it was like school again. We teased each other, laughed till we cried and basically took a walk down memory late by recalling all the crap we pulled back in the day. It was such a great afternoon. Since school, we’ve had a lot of things happen to us individually and so we kinda gave each other an inside scoop of our lives. Boyfriends, family, friends, work, things like that.

I’ve got exactly 2 weeks before I leave for Iowa so the next few days are going to be filled with ‘last meet up’ sessions and family time. The week of ‘lasts’. I wish I didn’t have to go, but weather I like it or not, I have some unfinished business back in Iowa. Uh like finishing my degree. Plus most of my friends will be flying back from where ever they came down from anyway and soon, we’ll all be back to our busy lives until then next holidays. Thinking of it that way, going back doesn’t seem so bad. But I will miss my family like crazy.

Soppy stories aside, here’s a pretty cool article I found on travelling. Hope you like it!

Traveling Is Not For The Weak: The Moments That Made You Stronger While Living Abroad

Day 64

Today was a pretty good day. Met up with my cousins, uncle and aunt at the Sunway Mall. I have never seen the mall so darn crowded. Seriously, we were trying our very best to not bump into anyone. It’s like every single person that live in the Klang Valley decided that today is the day that they all should visit this particular mall. It was THAT crowded. Walking around proved to be the best obstacle course for the day. Heck! We couldn’t even find a place to have dinner because every single restaurant had a waiting list. Seriously though, this was a first for me. Besides that, we saw The Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. I hadn’t planned on watching it but my cousin wanted to, so we did. It wasn’t all that bad actually. To think of it, I thought it was pretty good. There were some parts that didn’t make any sense to me, but all in all, it was good.

After the movie, we just walked around a bit and grabbed something to eat a little later. You see, I’m really close to these cousins of mine. They’re the closest to my age and well, we just understand each other. So hanging out with them was really fun and good considering one of them will be heading back to the UK real soon.

Tomorrow on the other hand, I’ll be hanging out with one of my grand aunts. She and I, we have very particular taste when it comes to food, so she know’s the kinds of places that serve the best kind of food. I’m pretty excited about our little outing. Other than that, I might hit up a cafe’ later at night but we’ll see. Only 3 more weeks left till I head back to corn land. Saying goodbye is going to suck.

COFFEE! ; Day 46

From the title I’m pretty sure you can guess what I did today! YOU BETCHA! I went on my second coffee trip! This time it was this place in SS15 called Meltz Cafe. It just occurred to me that there are actually a good number of cafes in that same area. Looks like I’ve got to do a little more exploring. Anyway, Meltz was really good! Especially their waffles! It is not a quiet place like the other cafe I went to. Meltz is the kind of place you’d want to go with a bunch of friends to hang out and just talk or share a giant fondue with. Just like Rekindle, Meltz wasn’t all that big. Just as you walk into the double glass doors, you see the counter with a large “ORDER HERE” sign above it and to the left you’d see low tables surrounded by comfy couches. The cafe extends a little more to the back with higher tables with bar stools and then it comes back down with lower tables and couches. The smell of coffee and freshly made waffles/pancakes quickly fill the air.

Anyway, like I said before, it’s not a quiet place. There were a lot of people talking and laughing loudly and basically just having a good time. The lights were pretty dim which gives it a cozy feeling. Let’s get down to the important part now shall we. THE FOOD! So my sister and I shared one of their most famous waffles and let me tell you this, IT WAS TO DIE FOR! It was so darn good! Meltz is officially the best place to go to if you’re craving for a satisfying waffle. The one we got was topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, slices of kiwi, banana and strawberries with a little butterscotch sauce drizzled on top of that. The butterscotch sauce really brought it all together, I loved it! With that, we each got a latte and a cappuccino which was pretty good too :). I’d definitely go back there with a bunch of friends some day! 🙂  COFFEE CRAZE! They also serve smoothies, crepes, cakes and hot dogs among many others. Price wise, I guess I can say that it was pretty reasonable as compared to other cafes. Our coffees were RM10 while the Waffle was RM20, but they had some kind of a promotion on desserts and we ended up getting one cup of coffee for only RM5, which I thought was pretty nice of them to do. So if you’re in Malaysia and are craving for a cafe adventure, don’t forget to add Meltz Cafe in SS15 Subang Jaya to your list!

In other news, I finally got my friend a gift for her birthday tomorrow. My initial plan was to get her a charm bracelet but when I got to the mall, the charm store wasn’t there anymore, which was a total bummer because I was really counting on getting her a charm bracelet. Instead I went over to Lovisa (australian accessory store) and got her a set of bangles and a pair of earrings. So that’s my gift to her 🙂

I’m not sure if you guys have noticed but lately there has been so much buzz on Selena Gomez and frankly, I’m not even sure why. I mean the girl isn’t doing anything wrong. Just a few days ago Selena posted part of a text message on her Instagram page and suddenly every single social media site starts buzzing wondering if the text was from/to Justin Bieber and now,there was a question about if she got a boob job. SERIOUSLY PEOPLE?! Why can’t the world just leave her alone for a bit. I know she’s famous and stuff but she’s got a life to live and everyone on the planet doesn’t really need to know what she does with it all the time. There comes a time where we all just want to be off the radar, and that includes famous people.

Speaking of famous, I have finally started working on the facebook page for my mother’s bakery! Well, it isn’t’ finished or anything but there are a few pictures up. So that’s a good start. I’ll be filling it with more once a get a hold of all the previous photos.

That’s all I have for 20140711_23384820140711_23253020140711_23252120140711_23254720140711_23322420140711_231130 20140711_231407 20140711_231532today. I’m off for a day filled with meeting old friends tomorrow which by the way, starts in a cafe! So you’ll be reading another coffee story from me tomorrow. Till then! 🙂

Day 36 & 37

Hello again!

The weather here has been rather gloomy these past few days. The rain and gloom has also been causing massive traffic jams everywhere which pretty much makes me not want to drive anymore.

On other news, I have switched departments at work! I’m working with the box office for the next couple of weeks and honestly,  it’s been pretty good, though the office was definitely much more comfortable. My bosses are pretty cool too plus I find myself learning quite a bit from them. So that’s all good.

Besides that, my mother is opening her new store real soon (she’s a baker) and with that comes extreme stress. That can only mean one thing, STAY AWAY! As much as I would love to help her out, she’s got her own system going way before I came home, so if I got into the middle of that, I’m in for some really hot soup. So to avoid all that, I’m going about my business without getting into her way. Well on another note, I hope everything goes well for her opening.

So I’ve told myself that I’m not allowed to eat anything after 10pm. How did I come to this? Well, a couple of nights ago, my family and I went for a really late dinner, and by late, I mean, 11pm late. I ate like a pig and when I got back, all I wanted to do was fall asleep. Unfortunately, as soon as I lay down, I felt extremely sick because I was way too full from dinner. And so I had to keep myself awake till I felt better, which totally sucked because I was indeed really tired. So the new rule is to not eat anything after 10pm. It’s a lot to get used to because I’m so used to eating late that as of this moment, I’m starving. The only thing to do is to hit the sack and forget about the hunger. So goodnight folks! and good day to some of you! 🙂